We've come a long way since 1980. Time flies when you're doing what you love! We at CRD Design Build are thrilled to be celebrating our firm's 40th anniversary this year.
Let's party like it's 1980!
Okay, this isn't exactly the time for a big party. 2020 has shaped up to be a strange and challenging year, especially when it comes to any sort of celebration. While we've sadly had to set aside our plans for a phat 1980s-themed anniversary party, we're determined to make the best of the situation. Read on to find out how we're going to celebrate our big milestone in a socially distanced (yet totally tubular) way.
Giving back to our Seattle community
We wouldn't have made it this far (or anywhere, for that matter) without our wonderful Seattle community. For this reason, we're focusing our festive spirit on celebrating local nonprofits and small businesses that help make Seattle a great place to live. We're also taking this opportunity to say thanks to our amazing clients. It's been an honor and a joy to get to know and work with so many wonderful folks over the last 40 years.
Supporting local nonprofits
We are committing to make 20 small donations of at least $200 to 20 worthy Seattle nonprofits. In the coming weeks, CRD's staff will be making suggestions for nonprofits they want us to support. We will also be opening it up to suggestions from our followers on social media. We'll be posting which organizations we're donating to on our website and social media.
Celebrating 40 years by supporting 40 small local businesses
This has been a tough year for local small businesses. Indeed, at CRD, we had to cease construction operations ourselves during the first phase of the Stay-at-Home Order. While we all want to see our local small business community bounce back quickly, it takes some special effort these days to find ways to get out there and support small businesses directly.
We thought, what better way to support small businesses than to give some locally sourced thank-you gifts to our awesome clients. Gifts range from a take-home cocktail and appetizer kit to a dog-walking subscription to live online yoga classes. We're inviting our awesome clients, past and present, to pick out a thank you gift from our list and proudly display a CRD anniversary sign in their yard. Gifts are on a first-come, first-served basis. Clients who want to participate can view the gifts here and email us their top three choices at hello@crddesignbuild.com.
CRD's 40th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt
At CRD, our ethos is to do great work and have fun while we're doing it. For a bit of fun, we're hosting a 40th anniversary scavenger hunt. During the month of September, look for our signs popping up in front of homes we've remodeled all over town. Each sign has a unique code word. Write down as many as you can find, and you could win a prize!
Win a New iPad Pro or other great prizes
Scavenger Hunt Rules
- No purchase required to play.
- All are welcome to participate, except CRD employees and their families.
- Download the official entry form and fill in the unique code word for each sign you can spot around town.
- Winners will be chosen at random from those who found the most words (top 50% of all entries).
- Prizes include a new iPad Pro (latest generation), a $500 Amazon gift card, and a $250 Amazon gift card.
A look back at CRD through the years
Guide to Hiring a Remodeler
This comprehensive guide walks you through all the steps of choosing who will design and build your project, vetting remodeling companies, and ensuring that you have the best experience.